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Click on the photos to see them enlarged.

m&c.jpg (9661 bytes)

Me and Mum (2001)

fam1.jpg (17855 bytes)

Me with Mum and Steve

C&S.jpg (15337 bytes)

Steve and Me at the beach (2003)

CB and Dad 2.jpg (13148 bytes)

Me and Dad


dcbp.jpg (21201 bytes)

Patrick, me and Deb (2004) 

grantcb.jpg (11680 bytes)

This is my Auntie Bex, Uncle Grant, Zoey and Jessie

granpop.jpg (10116 bytes)

Poppy, me and Grandma  (2004)


fam2.jpg (9112 bytes)

Me, Mum Steve, Caitlyn, Phil, Bree. Christmas 2003.


cbdadp.jpg (21334 bytes)

Patrick Dad and Me (2004)

mcc.jpg (11111 bytes)

Mikayla, Caitlyn and me (2003)

cbzt1.jpg (11033 bytes)

Zoey and Me (2004)

pop.jpg (8718 bytes)

Pop and Me ( 2004)

CCB.jpg (36846 bytes)

Caitlyn, me and Bree


cbd.jpg (10915 bytes)

Dad and me


cousins1.jpg (21381 bytes)

Caitlyn, Maddison, Patrick, Mikayla and me     (2004)

cbzt.jpg (14027 bytes)

Me and Zoey (2004)

allfam.jpg (10822 bytes)

Steve, Mum, Grandma, Me, Poppy, Aunt Bex, Zoey, Uncle Grant, Pop. ( 2004)

cbsteve.jpg (15646 bytes)

Steve and me


cbd2.jpg (12235 bytes)

Me and dad


CB and Dad.jpg (11812 bytes)

Dad and me (2002)

tammie & corey.jpg (15407 bytes)

Me and mum


gptcb.jpg (13648 bytes)

Uncle Grant, Zoey, Pop, Me and mum


gp1.jpg (14101 bytes)

Me, Grandma, Poppy


cbdad.jpg (17012 bytes)

Dad and me



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